When a new year arrives I am always dreaming about what kind of things the upcoming year has to hold for me! Lastnight I was thinking of the year 2007 and what it held for me! When I sat down and thought about it, a whole lot has happened in 2007!
Let's see....
My husband and I separated in 2006. Last year on New Year's Eve (well, actually a few minutes after midnight) my husband showed up at my house. He drove an hour (sober) to try and "prove" to me that he was ready to work on things between us. I spent many months waiting for that moment to come!
On January 1st, 2007 I started on a weight loss journey. Although I don't have a lot lost to show for it, I still learned a lot! I did lose 25 lbs and am not ready to give up on it just yet! I did learn a lot about myself during that journey and although I got off of the track for awhile, I am jumping right back on!
I jumped head first into the world of blogging! I started this blog along with my other 2 blogs! One is about
working from home and the other is about
my weight loss journey.
At the end of April 2007 my kids and I moved here with my husband. It was one of the happiest days of my life being back with my soul mate and best friend again. I never, ever want to be separated from him again! It was also a little bittersweet because I am now so far away from my mother. Ok, it's only an hour but my mother and I have always been very close and have never been this far apart. I know it was very hard for her, too
In May 2007 my husband and I took a trip to New York City! I have so many memories from that trip. Even though it was a short stay it will always stay in my mind! I got to see a couple of my long time friends whom I hadn't seen in years and spend some great bonding time there with my husband. We saw so many beautiful and amazing things there.
In September 2007 my first born started preschool. It was a big day in his life and I can't believe how much he has changed since starting school! He's not my baby any more!
My twins turned 3 years old. They have changed so much, too. They talk so much more now. I love watching my kids grow! They are going to start preschool sometime this month, too!
My Grandmother was diagnosed with cancer this year. Even though she puts on a good face we know that she is not doing well. She has cancer spots all over her legs and can't hardly move around on her own anymore. The entire family spent Christmas with her all together this year as most of us feel pretty secure in saying that this will most likely be her last Christmas with us.
I really made an effort to find my father. I saw his name and address printed in my hometown newspaper. Atleast, I think it was him. It took me awhile to get up the guts and the right words to send him a letter. I made it short and simple. I told him who I was, who my mother was and that I believed he was my father. I told him that if he had any interest in knowing me to write me back. I also asked that if it wasn't the right person that he atleast be nice enough to let me know so I wont be left wondering. Well, I've been left wondering. That was a few months ago and I have yet to hear anything.
I had the best Christmas ever this year thanks to my wonderful husband. We have been through a lot together this year. We have learned a lot about ourselves and each other. We have learned how to deal with each other in a better way to stop us from having so many petty arguments. I have learned to let go of things instead of pondering on them to the point of making myself sick. I have learned to forgive and to learn from the whole experience. My husband has spent the year trying to show me how much he really does love me and how sorry he is for leaving. We have both learned to just look forward to the future and try not to remember the bad things from the past.
I also made a few friends throughout the year, too.
I've gotten a couple of new tattoos this year, lol!
..and there is my recap of the year 2007. I'm sure I have probably left a few things out, but I've remembered the important things!
My next post will be what I am looking forward to in 2008 and what I hope to accomplish along the way!