Saturday, January 12, 2008

My 2008 Resolutions

Ok, so we are almost two weeks into the new year. I've learned so much in 2007 and changed so many things about myself. I want to continue all of my work in 2008! Here are a few things that I am resolving to do this year.

Continuing to eat healthier and be more active. Whether I lose weight or not, I just want to be healthier and these two things will help regardless of the number on the scales!

Continuing to work on myself. To work on changing the things that I don't like about myself and learning to love the things that I can't change about myself.

Learning to control my stress level. I know a lot of things that happen in life are out of our control but I need to learn to deal with them better. I have taken after my mother and stress out too much when something doesn't go right or the way it's planned. I've realized that no matter what comes our way we always get through it somehow and stressing over something isn't going to fix it or change anything and it's not healthy for me!!

Cherishing my family more. I do cherish my family, but I think sometimes I take them for granted. I always used to complain about this and that but when I sit down and think about things, I am really very lucky! I have a hot husband who loves me for me. He thinks that I am the most beautiful woman in the world and he will do whatever it takes to make me happy and to smile. I have three beautiful kids that are very well behaved (atleast in public, lol..not so much at home!). I need to show them how much I love them every single day!

Learning to be happy! I have spent the majority of my life hating myself, hating my life, hating everything and everyone around me. I am tired of living that way. I am tired of being an angry, hateful depressed person! Even though we don't have a lot of material things I have a great family that loves me and a lot of people would be jealous of that! I want to live my life with a smile on my face not wanting to choke everyone! heh heh

Possibly going back to school? Not sure for what yet, most likely something in the medical field or animal field. Just depends on what happens this year. My husband starts taking classes at the end of this's only a 3 month course and we will see what happens after that.

Spending more time blogging! I envy bloggers that can post every day! I just don't have the time to spare for that but I wish I did! I want to start giving THIS blog a more personal feel! I will still post my rants whenever I feel like it but will also post more about my personal life. Maybe even put up some pics and videos of things that go on in my life! I like reading peoples' personal blogs, I think it's interesting..or else I'm just nosey!

Comment me and tell me what some of your resolutions are!

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