Don't forget, if you want to exchange links with me then just leave me a comment here and I will add you to my blog friends list over there ---------->
Please make sure that your blog has something in common with mine, otherwise I wont add yours!
I have just added some new links to my favorites and blog friends list so be sure to check them out!
I wouldn't mind a link exchange. My site is
hello, just visiting! Nice blog... Mind if we exchange links?
hope to see you around. *blog hop*
I rant about stupid and frustrating technology and how to overcome/fix these problems.
I find your posts amusing and funny, how do i add you as well?
Initially I was like wow, a famous blogger wants to freely exchange linkes! And she's a sarcastic ranter, that's fantabulous! That is in fact what my site is all about.
But-then-I-read-some-of-your-posts. whheeeeeewh. wow. heavy.
Not too ranty or sarcastic.
If in fact I've somehow misjudged your blog (and I rarely "mis"judge) then please feel free to "correct" me.
You can see what I'm about here:
or just simply:
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