Friday, January 28, 2011

I Am Not A Mom Blogger..

I may be a mommy and I may be a blogger, but I am not considered to be a “mommy blogger” by most because I don’t write about my kids in 95% of my posts. Why don’t I do this? Well, to be honest, I don’t think everyone else in the world really cares. I’m sooo bored by blogs that are nothing but what little Brooklyn or Aiden did today (I use these two names because 354087345 people name their kids these names... try being unique!)... Do you realize how many people in this world have kids? Do you realize that 12 and 13 year olds are having kids? It’s not some big special thing that you did by getting knocked up (by this, I don’t mean any harm to anyone who has struggled with fertility problems, that is different).  Just because little Aiden went poopy in the potty, does not mean that you have to announce it to the whole world. Guess what? Every other 205871345345 child in the world eventually learns to poop in the potty! It’s not some big huge special feat that your child has mastered. Your story is not special! Anyone who has kids probably has a story just like it.. even the 13 year old mother down the street’s kid probably did it, too. An entire blog dedicated to your pregnancy? Do you realize how many pregnant people there are in the world? What makes yours sooo special?? (ofcourse you think it is special to YOU, but it’s not to anyone else). We all probably have the same type of ultrasound pictures and similiar stories. But do you really need to post about yours every day? Or how much you threw up this morning?

Of course I love my kids, but I am with them all day long. Blogging is something I do for ME! My name is not MOMMY, I have a real name and I am a person outside of just being a mom. My blogs are kind of like my getaway. I don’t need to revolve my writing around my kids because the majority of my day revolves around them. None of you out there know me or my kids, and I’m sure you don’t care about what my son made in 1st grade today, do you?

Bloggers can do what they want with their own blog, I suppose, but I just like a blog that has something original to say.


Cory said...

Nice rant. I like it. I'm not against reading about people's kids, but give me some other content too!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Cory..not against it at long is that's not ALL it's about. I have 3 of my own I share some of the funny sh$t they do...but I totally know what you're talking about.

TriGirl said...

This made me smile :) (see?) I'd rather know what's going on with YOU. Of course, the beauty of blogging is that you really can write about whatever you want. But, if you are writing about your *crazy* everyday happenings, that are just like everyone else's day then most likely only other like-minded bloggers will be following you. Plus your mom.

Raven said...

I totally agree with you. I see so many blogs that are completely kid-oriented and it makes me wanna gag. Not that I don't write about my kids, I just don't make it the focus of my blog. Personally, I am so much more than just 'Mommy' nor do I want my entire life to revolve around my kids. I think that's one of the major problems with society today: parents these days revolve their lives totally around their kids, which teaches their kids that they are the center of the known universe. Then they get out into the world and expect everyone else to treat them as such.

K, I'm done rambling now.

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