Thought it would be interesting to hear what gas prices are in different places around the country! Leave a comment with your location and the price of gas today!
Currently, in northwest Ohio gas is $2.59 for unleaded gas. How high is it going to get?? Where do you think the highest price for gas is??
The weather has finally turned for the better, the snow is GONE and the temperature is rising. What else is rising?? Gas prices, ofcourse! Now when everyone is feeling good, feeling healthy and ready to finally get out of the house, the gas prices shoot up. Isn't it bad enough that just about EVERYONE is laid off and out of work and now the gas prices go up?? Forget all of the people that want to go on vacations and have fun, what about the people searching for jobs? Now they can't even afford GAS to get to apply for a job or go to a job interview?? Every day more and more people are losing their jobs while the "big" people keep raising the prices on everything, not just gas and expect the country to still survive??
Obama, WHERE are you?? Your country is drowning while you are making assinine and somewhat offensive JOKES that I did not find funny at all, especially for a President to say. Stop the comedy act and take care of your country! People are suffering every day without jobs. People can't pay bills, people are losing their homes. What are you doing to help them?? How loud do us citizens have to scream before you help us?? The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. We are begging you for help so please, step up to the plate and show us that you CAN handle this job.. before it's too late!
Wow what a long past month it has been! We went to TN last month and had a blast! Ended up staying an extra day! We didn't want to come home. It's so beautiful there and everyone is so friendly! My husband is still trying to talk me into moving there.. eventually!! It is definitely something to think about!
A week after we came back from TN, we moved. That has been a never ending event! Been trying to get everything moved over here and get our old house emptied out and cleaned up. I think everything is finally moved and now maybe we can have some time to actually unpack! On top of all of that the hubs and I both have really bad sinus infections so we feel like crap! I've been missing blogging here.. just been a lack of time to do it! I will be back soon and already have my first rant planned.. has something do with gas prices.. and Obama, heh heh!!