Monday, December 17, 2012

Wedding History and Gift Ideas

Years ago, weddings tended to me more traditional. Couples typically had the same style of wedding that their parents had along with something old, something new, and something blue. Weddings have evolved quite a bit since the beginning, and these days you can have any kind of wedding you would like. Many couples like to go against the norm and have a wedding that is different and non-traditional while others like to stick with the old school traditions.

Moissanite offers engaged couples a variety of jewelry to choose from including engagement rings and other non traditional wedding jewelry such as pendants, and earrings. Whether you are looking for a gift to buy for your soon to be spouse or a family member who will be married soon, Moissanite has what you are looking for in a variety of shapes, sizes, and prices.
A Brief History of Weddings |
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Monday, September 10, 2012

Win Handmade Jewelry and Gifts Giveaway!!

We are having a giveaway for my new business. I'm posting the giveaway on all of my blogs, so please feel free to enter and share!!

Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter easily starting September 10, 2012, and earn more entries! Here is what you can win:

Assortment of Handmade Jewelry and Accessories
3 Gem Magnets and 2 Greeting Cards
Close up of Beaded Bracelet with 3 charms.
 Close up of Beaded earrings
List of Prizes:
1 Beaded Bracelet with 3 Charms
1 Purple Hemp Beaded Adjustable Bracelet
1 Pair of Purple Hemp and Beads Earrings
1 Pair of Beaded Earrings
1 Brown Hemp Ring
1 Purple Hemp with Silver Spiral Beaded Keychain
1 Large Pony Bead Bracelet with Football
1 Small Child's Pony Bead Pink Heart Bracelet
3 Gem Magnets (1 pumpkin, 1 purple camo, 1 sunset)
2 Greeting Cards (1 Halloween, 1 Christmas)
Approximately $30 worth of prizes!!!!
Enter now for your chance to win and share with your friends!
We will be doing these types of giveaways often throughout the year!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, July 28, 2012

More Annoying Things...

I believe I wrote a post about this same subject awhile ago.. but I'm feeling the need to do it again. People annoy the ever loving crap out of me on a daily basis. Ignorance just seems to flow from the mouths of the majority of the human race and I find myself rolling my eyes numerous times throughout the day because of it. Here are a few more examples.


Calling your significant other or your child your 'boo'. Where did this come from? Are you pretending that you are a ghost and trying to scare other people away? How does anyone get words of affection out of the word boo? Do you know how fucking stupid you sound when you say it and how bad I just wanna give you a coot boot? Seriously!? It's like fingernails on a chalkboard whenever I hear someone say, “my boo did this” or “it's just me and my boo today”. Oh, tell Casper I said hello!


I don't mind when people call their daughter “baby girl” because it just really makes sense although I never really called mine that just because dumb people say it so often. I really don't get why men call their girlfriend or wife 'baby girl'. Are you a pedophile now? Do you also wipe your girlfriends ass when you change her diaper?? Stop it!


I may have listed this before but I'm listing this again. Bestie. I understand where the word came from but, honestly, it just sounds fucking stupid especially if you are over the age of 25. It makes me think of Beastie Boys or beastiality. No, seriously. Like oh mahh gawwddd my bestie is coming over! You sound fucking fucktarded. I actually have a few friends that use the word bestie and I have to clench my teeth every time I hear it.


…... I'm sure I'll have more to add to this list soon.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Too Much Sex!?

My kids are 8 and 7 years old. They like to watch a variety of movies including horror movies. As I was looking through our DVD collection, I realized that we have plenty of movies that our kids would probably enjoy but we can't/won't let them watch them because of the sex scenes in the movies. There have been a few times that we attempted to watch a movie with the kids in the room but have had to quickly turn it off because of a sex scene. It really gets irritating. I mean, come on people, if a movie has a good plot, a sex scene is not going to make or break a movie! How about more sex-less movies? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude or anything but come the fuck on. The shit gets old. The story could be just the same without any humping or boobie kissing. My kids love a good horror flick; they don't get nightmares from them and they know that it is all fake but they don't need to see S-E-X! I have 3 kids, it's not like I get turned on watching sex scenes in movies either or that I watch a movie just for that. Most movies would be just fine without it.. maybe a little kissing or even making out would be alright but a lot of movies get very graphic without being pornographic.

My next complaint is about all the cuss words in video games. Our kids like playing Gears of War but every 2 seconds the character in the game is saying, “fucking asshole!” or some other swear word. Ah yes, I do cuss like a sailor when I'm around my friends and on this blog but I watch my mouth in front of my kids or other people's kids and I yell at my husband if he lets one slip in front of them but they don't need to hear the shit while playing a fucking game! It's not needed.. unless you are some kind of uber gaming nerd that is impressed with curse words? Mm'kay. Oh, and yeah, call me a bad mom if you must because I let my kids play these games but their gaming time is limited and well, they like to kill aliens!

Why is the world so impressed with sex and curse words? Why do big companies think that these things make a movie or game more entertaining or interesting? A good plot and good acting are all that are needed to make an interesting movie worth watching, and an action packed video game with good graphics is what makes a good video game. I'm tired of having to fucking worry about what is going to be said or shown. Grown ups are idiots if they enjoy shit based on that. Yeah, I fucking said it. Fucking idiots. (My kids don't read this blog and yours shouldn't either, so don't bitch).

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Are Zombies Taking Over??

What's the deal with all of the zombie-like events happening in this country? Stories of people chewing off another person's face and a mom chewing on her baby's arm? .. and these are just a few of the cannibalism stories happening in the year 2012. What gives? Is it because zombies have become popular over the last year or so especially after The Walking Dead was introduced to the masses? I happen to love that show and I've always been interested in horror movies and zombies.

When I was a kid, vampires used to be creepy and scary and eeeevil. Then Twilight came along and had to ruin it by making them sparkle and all pretty and stuff. They ruined the whole vampire vibe. Is the same thing going to happen with zombies? Is it going to become so popular that it gets stupid? Are people eating other human beings because of the zombie popularity? Is it the bath salts? Could a zombie apocalypse really happen? What do you think?

Here's a hilarious video I found yesterday. A guy in Florida actually went out in public pretending to be a zombie, chasing people! I laughed my ass off at this, especially the black guys holding their stupid baggy ass pants up so that they could run.. and the ending is funny, too!

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